Where Can Beginners Learn About Guitar Music Theory?

If you find yourself fervently strumming your guitar, but yearning to understand the underlying magic of music theory, then this article is your guiding light. Delving into the ins and outs of guitar music theory, we explore a multitude of resources where beginners can quench their thirst for knowledge. From informative websites to interactive apps, you’re about to embark on an exciting journey that will unlock the secrets of guitar music theory and enhance your playing skills. So grab your guitar, get comfortable, and let’s embark on this melodic odyssey together.

Online Resources


When it comes to learning guitar music theory online, there are several websites that offer valuable resources. One popular website is GuitarLessons.com, which provides comprehensive lessons on topics ranging from basic music theory to advanced concepts specifically for guitarists. Another great website is Ultimate-Guitar.com, which offers a vast library of guitar tabs, chords, and lessons. Additionally, you may find websites like MusicTheory.net and Teoria.com helpful, as they provide interactive exercises and lessons to help you learn and understand music theory concepts.

Video Tutorials

Video tutorials can be an excellent way for beginners to learn about guitar music theory. YouTube is a treasure trove of guitar theory channels, such as Pebber Brown’s Guitar Dojo, JustinGuitar, and Steve Stine’s GuitarZoom. These channels offer informative and easy-to-follow video tutorials that cover various topics related to guitar music theory. Additionally, websites like JamPlay and GuitarTricks have extensive video libraries that include lessons on music theory for guitarists of all skill levels.

Online Courses

Online courses are another fantastic option for beginners looking to dive deep into guitar music theory. Websites like Udemy, Coursera, and TrueFire offer a wide selection of courses specifically designed for guitarists. These courses provide structured lessons, practice exercises, and often include interactive components to help reinforce your understanding of music theory.

Books and Print Resources

Beginner Guitar Theory Books

If you prefer a more traditional approach, there are numerous beginner guitar theory books available that can guide you through the basics. Some popular choices include “Guitar Theory For Dummies” by Desi Serna, “The Practical Guide to Modern Music Theory for Guitarists” by Joseph Alexander, and “Guitar Aerobics” by Troy Nelson. These books provide clear explanations, exercises, and examples to help you grasp the fundamental concepts of music theory and how they apply to the guitar.

Music Theory Books with Guitar Focus

For those looking to explore music theory in more depth with a guitar focus, there are several books available that cater specifically to guitarists. “The Guitar Handbook” by Ralph Denyer is a comprehensive guide that covers music theory, technique, and more. “Fretboard Logic” by Bill Edwards is known for its practical approach to understanding the guitar fretboard and how it relates to music theory. Another excellent resource is “The Advancing Guitarist” by Mick Goodrick, which delves into advanced music theory concepts and their application on the guitar.

Guitar Instructors

Local Instructors

If you prefer a one-on-one learning experience, seeking out a local guitar instructor can be a great option. Check with your local music stores or community centers for information on qualified guitar instructors in your area. Working with a skilled instructor allows for personalized guidance, immediate feedback, and a tailored curriculum to suit your specific learning needs.

Online Instructors

With the advancement of technology, online guitar instructors have become increasingly popular. Platforms like Lessonface, TakeLessons, and JamPlay offer the opportunity to learn from experienced guitar instructors from the comfort of your own home. These online instructors often provide personalized lessons, video exchanges, and detailed feedback to help you progress in your guitar music theory journey.

Music Schools and Academies

Local Music Schools

Music schools and academies offer a structured learning environment for those interested in learning about guitar music theory. These institutions often provide a comprehensive curriculum that covers various aspects of music theory, including guitar-specific applications. Research and reach out to local music schools in your area to inquire about their programs and whether they offer guitar-specific theory courses.

Music Conservatories

For those seeking a more intensive and immersive learning experience, music conservatories are an excellent option. These institutions offer specialized programs for musicians, including guitarists, that delve deep into music theory and its application. Conservatories such as Berklee College of Music, Juilliard School, and the Royal Conservatory of Music provide world-class education and resources for guitarists looking to pursue music theory at an advanced level.

Community Colleges and Universities

Music Departments

Community colleges and universities often have music departments that offer courses in music theory, including guitar-specific theory classes. These institutions provide a more affordable option for beginners looking to expand their knowledge of music theory while also having access to qualified instructors and resources. Research local community colleges and universities with music programs to explore the availability of guitar music theory courses.

Evening Classes

If you have a busy schedule or prefer a more flexible learning option, consider exploring evening classes offered by community colleges, adult education centers, or recreational centers. These classes often cover various aspects of music theory, including guitar-specific theory, and allow you to learn at your own pace after work or on weekends.

Guitar Forums and Communities

Online Guitar Forums

Engaging with an online guitar forum can provide a supportive and collaborative learning environment for beginners delving into music theory. Websites like TheGearPage.net, Ultimate-Guitar.com, and Reddit’s r/Guitar offer forums where you can connect with other guitarists, ask questions, and seek advice on music theory topics. Participating in these forums can expose you to different perspectives, tips, and resources shared by fellow guitar enthusiasts.

Social Media Groups

Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram have guitar-focused groups and communities where guitarists from all skill levels gather to share their knowledge and experiences. Joining these groups allows you to connect with like-minded individuals, share your progress, and seek recommendations for resources related to guitar music theory. Some popular guitar-related Facebook groups include “Guitar Talk” and “Guitar Theory and Technique.”

Music Apps and Software

Guitar-Specific Apps

In today’s digital age, there is a wide range of guitar-specific apps available that can aid in learning and understanding music theory. Apps like Guitar Tuna, Fret Trainer, and Yousician provide interactive lessons, exercises, and tools to help you develop your music theory skills on the guitar. These apps often incorporate gamification elements to make the learning process more enjoyable and engaging.

General Music Theory Apps

While not guitar-specific, there are also general music theory apps that can be beneficial for beginners learning about music theory. Apps like Music Tutor, Tenuto, and Complete Music Reading Trainer offer comprehensive lessons, quizzes, and exercises covering various music theory concepts. These apps can help you develop a solid foundation in music theory, which can then be applied to your guitar playing.

YouTube Channels and Playlists

Guitar Theory Channels

YouTube is a goldmine for guitar theory resources, with numerous channels dedicated to teaching music theory in a guitar-focused manner. Channels like Signals Music Studio, Music is Win, and Dave’s Guitar Channel offer informative and engaging videos that cover various aspects of music theory with practical applications for guitar playing. These channels often provide lessons, explanations, and demonstrations to help you understand and apply music theory concepts on the guitar.

Lesson Playlists

Many guitar instructors and educational platforms on YouTube curate lesson playlists specifically tailored to guitar music theory. These playlists often have a structured progression, starting from basic concepts and gradually building up to more advanced topics. Exploring these playlists can provide a comprehensive learning experience, all in one place, making it easy to follow along and track your progress.

Learning Platforms

Online Learning Platforms

Online learning platforms like Udemy, Coursera, and Skillshare offer a vast array of courses and lessons on music theory for guitarists. These platforms provide structured courses created by experienced instructors, often with video lessons, assignments, and quizzes to help solidify your understanding of music theory. The advantage of these platforms is that you can learn at your own pace and revisit the material whenever you need to.

Membership Sites

Membership sites dedicated to guitar education, such as JamPlay and GuitarTricks, offer an extensive library of lessons and resources on music theory. These sites often provide a structured curriculum, guided tutorials, and advanced features like progress tracking and interactive practice tools. Joining a membership site can give you access to a wealth of guitar music theory content and ongoing support for your learning journey.

Public Libraries

Guitar Music Theory Books

Public libraries are an often-overlooked resource for beginners learning about guitar music theory. Check your local library’s catalog for books on guitar music theory, both physical copies and e-books. Titles like “Chords and Scales for Guitarists” by David Mead, “Guitar Theory: Straight Talking Music Theory for Guitarists” by Nathaniel Gunod, and “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Music Theory” by Michael Miller can provide valuable insights and exercises for your theoretical development.

E-Learning Platforms

Nowadays, public libraries also offer access to e-learning platforms, such as Lynda.com and Skillshare, which often include music theory courses. These platforms enable you to access a wealth of educational content, including guitar music theory lessons, on your computer or mobile device. Check with your local library to see if they offer access to these e-learning platforms, as it can be a cost-effective way to access comprehensive guitar music theory resources.

With so many resources available, beginners have ample opportunities to learn about guitar music theory. Whether you prefer online resources, books and print materials, learning from an instructor, joining communities, or even utilizing public libraries, you can find a suitable path to deepen your understanding of music theory and apply it to your guitar playing. Embrace the journey, take advantage of these resources, and enjoy the process of expanding your musical knowledge. Happy playing!